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Screen templates

ProGlove uses a template approach to display information.
Templates are pre-defined screen layouts that support integration efforts and ensure the best possible user-experience. Use them to refine your worker's process and reduce the number of data-points you want to present to your workers.


Term Description
Template Templates are pre-defined screen layouts that support integration efforts and ensure the best possible user-experience.
Template ID Template IDs are unique identifiers for each template layout, that need to be set during the integration process.
(Template) Layout (Template) Layouts define the general structure of the screen. Example: 2 or 3 fields.
(Template) Field (Template) Field is a field/cell within the Layout. One Layout can contain one or more fields.
Field ID Each field is referenced using a unique ID. The order of Field IDs should follow the western writing direction (primary: left to right; secondary top to bottom).
Header Each Template field may contain a Header, which can be used as a description of the displayed content. Example: “Quantity”.
Content Each Template field contains Content (data-points). Example: “165 pcs”.


Template naming logic

PG = ProGlove
Identifier of the company providing the template.
X = Number of Fields
X Describes the number of fields you can set for unique content
Y = Secondary identifier
The secondary identifier allows for special separation of templates with the same amount of fields.
A = Alternate
E = Error
C = Confirm
I = Information


  • Starting with firmware v2.0.0, we support all printable characters of the ASCII and extended ASCII range, as can be found here:
  • Character limits:
    • The text length, that you can send with each SetScreen command, is limited by the amount of transmitted bytes. It can be up to 40 characters per header and up to 80 per content. If the text contains special characters (which will take more than one byte of space in UTF-8 encoding), a lower number of characters can be transmitted.
      • Sending a bigger number of bytes/characters will result in an SDK/Intent error and no screen will be set.
    • The second limitation is display space. If the sent text exceeds the limits of the display, some text will be omitted automatically.
      • For firmware versions starting from v2.0.0 and Insight Mobile starting from v1.5 no error will be returned. Instead, Insight Mobile just logs the incident.
      • For firmware versions starting from v2.0.0 there may be issues when exceeding the displayable limit with a version of Insight Mobile prior to v1.5, as you will receive an error, even though the screen is actually set.
  • Currently, there is no way of creating custom templates.

Automatic font scaling

MARK Display automatically decreases the font size or breaks the text into several lines to fit it into the template fields.
Headers of template fields are never scaled.

MARK Display always tries to use the maximum possible font size for the template field's content. If that does not work, a line-break is used before the font is scaled down to fit the screen.
This ensures that the largest possible font is used and the template size is utilized as much as possible. For line-breaks, it firstly tries to break on an empty space. If the text does not contain a space, it is broken after the maximum amount of characters.


Below, you can find the list of all available templates. (Field) IDs are displayed in purple boxes.

Template ID Preview Description Font Size(s) Firmware Version
Use Case: ideal for single items or short text messages
Fields: one field with content and header
Header: 26px
Content: 16 - 90px (Autoscaling)
minimum 2.0.0-prerelease-3
Use Case: ideal for text messages
Fields: one field with content
Content: 16 - 90px (Autoscaling) minimum 2.0.0-prerelease-3
PG2 TEMPLATE_PG1 Use Case: ideal for sorting use cases
Fields: two fields with content and headers
Header: 22px
Content: 16 - 60px (Autoscaling)
PG3 TEMPLATE_PG1 Use Case: ideal for picking use cases
Fields: three fields with content and headers
Header: 22px
Content: 16 - 60px (Autoscaling)
PG1C TEMPLATE_PG1 Use Case: ideal for short, positive notifications
Fields: one field with content
Content: 16 - 60px (Autoscaling)
PG2C TEMPLATE_PG1 Use Case: ideal for positive notifications needing more detail
Fields: two fields with content
Field 1 Content: 26px (Autoscaling)
Field 2 Content: 16-60px (Autoscaling)
PG1E TEMPLATE_PG1 Use Case: ideal for short, negative notifications
Fields: one field with content
Content: 16-60px (Autoscaling)
PG2E TEMPLATE_PG1 Use Case: ideal for negative notifications needing more detail
Fields: two fields with content
Field 1 Content: 26px (Autoscaling)
Field 2 Content: 16-60px (Autoscaling)
PG1I TEMPLATE_PG1 Use Case: ideal for short, neutral notifications
Fields: one field with content
Content: 16-60px (Autoscaling)
PG2I* TEMPLATE_PG1 Use Case: ideal for neutral notifications needing more detail
Fields: two fields with content
Field 1 Content: 26px (Autoscaling)
Field 2 Content: 16-60px (Autoscaling)
PG2A PG2A Use Case: sorting (echoes scanned content and reverts to the original screen)
Fields: two fields with content and headers
Header: 22 - 110px
Content: 22 - 32px (Autoscaling)

*The template has a character limit. If the message is up to 10 characters, the whole message displays. If the message is over 10 characters, only the first 8 characters display followed by an ellipsis.