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connect-sdk / de.proglove.sdk.button

Package de.proglove.sdk.button


Name Summary
BlockPgTriggersParams Parameters for setting blocking PgTriggers class BlockPgTriggersParams
ButtonPress A class representing a pressed buttondata class ButtonPress
IBlockPgTriggersCallback Callback for the blocking PgTrigger requests.interface IBlockPgTriggersCallback :IPgErrorCallback
IButtonOutput interface IButtonOutput
IPgTriggersUnblockedOutput interface IPgTriggersUnblockedOutput
PgButton Represents real world button with assigned buttonId.sealed class PgButton
PgGesture Represents gestures which could be done with buttons.enum class PgGesture
PgTrigger PgTrigger is a specific pattern of interacting with a certain button. For example, double click of button main button or long click of custom class PgTrigger
PredefinedPgTrigger Some predefined PgTriggers that can be blocked.sealed class PredefinedPgTrigger


Name Summary
convertToPgTrigger Converts PredefinedPgTrigger to PgTrigger.funPredefinedPgTrigger.convertToPgTrigger():PgTrigger