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connect-sdk / de.proglove.sdk / PgError


data class PgError

PgError objects will be returned in case an error occured during an Api-call.


Name Summary
<init> PgError objects will be returned in case an error occured during an Api-call.PgError(errorCode:Int)


Name Summary
errorCode An integer that represents the general error case. See PgError for errorCode references.val errorCode:Int


Name Summary
toString Convenience for logging errorCodesfun toString():String

Companion Object Properties

Name Summary
CANCELED_BY_COMMAND_QUEUE_REPLACE Command was canceled by an other command with active replace command queue flagconst val CANCELED_BY_COMMAND_QUEUE_REPLACE:Int
COMMAND_QUEUE_LIMIT_REACHED Command was not transmitted to the device because the command queue limit was reachedconst val COMMAND_QUEUE_LIMIT_REACHED:Int
DEVICE_BUSY The addressed device is busy with a different Task.const val DEVICE_BUSY:Int
INVALID_ARGUMENT The provided arguments are invalidconst val INVALID_ARGUMENT:Int
NO_LICENSE No or invalid license for the requested featureconst val NO_LICENSE:Int
NO_OR_UNSUPPORTED_APP_VERSION No PgConnect app detected or version is not compatible with this requestconst val NO_OR_UNSUPPORTED_APP_VERSION:Int
NOT_CONNECTED_TO_APP Not connected to the ProGlove Appconst val NOT_CONNECTED_TO_APP:Int
NOT_CONNECTED_TO_DEVICE Not connected to the required Deviceconst val NOT_CONNECTED_TO_DEVICE:Int
NOT_SUPPORTED No connected device supports this featureconst val NOT_SUPPORTED:Int
TIMEOUT The requested action has timed-outconst val TIMEOUT:Int