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connect-sdk / de.proglove.sdk / PgManager / setNotificationScreen


fun setNotificationScreen(data:PgScreenData, durationMs:Int, callback:IPgSetScreenCallback):Unit

Sets a notification screen on the connected display device. A notification screen is overlaying any active regular screen, is visible for a set amount of time, but will be replaced by any other notification and any other regular screen. There is a guarantee though, that no internal system notification will overlay your notification


data - The template and data inputs for the setNotificationScreen Command

callback - Will be called back if the screen was successfully set, or with an error

durationMs - Must be >0. The duration for how long the notification should be displayed. An automatic transition back to the previous screen will take place after this time. A notification can be replaced by any other notification and by a new screen. Depending on your implementation, this is thus only an upper limit on the time this notification will be setNotificationScreen(command:PgCommand<PgScreenData>, callback:IPgSetScreenCallback):Unit

Sets a notification screen on the connected display device. A notification screen is overlaying any active regular screen, is visible for a set amount of time, but will be replaced by any other notification and any other regular screen. There is a guarantee though, that no internal system notification will overlay your notification


command - Holding the PgScreenData and optional de.proglove.sdk.commands.PgCommandParams The containing PgScreenData must have a value set for PgScreenData.durationMs >0.

callback - Will be called back if the screen was successfully set, or with an error